Il vento
di Antonio Bruni
Di rosso era tinto l’odore .................... .Red-tinged smell of the air
dell’aria montando a capriole..............gyrating and spinning
il fumo offuscava la scia...................... .the smoke was clouding the trail,
splendente dell’astro segnale..............bright, of the signal celestial
invano scrutavano volta....................... in vain did they gaze at the vault
i saggi in cammino seguendo..............the wise men on their way
profetico invito in Scrittura..................prophetic invite in the Scriptures pursuing
cometa vi guidi laddove....................... .to the place a comet shall guide you
il Figlio dell’Uomo si avvera..................where Son of Man will come true
scomparsa la stella orientante............the oriental star disappeared
al buio smarrita la via .......................... .the way lost in the darkness,
la guerra infuriava tra palme...............the war raged among the palm trees,
squarciava uliveti e granai.....................tore through olive groves and granaries,
violava giacigli e ripari...........................violated shelters and beds
un arduo percorso in a toilsome journey of quest
la fede guidava le guided their minds
sfidava le spine e gli agguati.................braving thorns and ambushes
un vento improvviso irruento.............. a sudden, gushing, strong wind
degli angeli un battito in schiera......... of hosts of angels the wings-beat
scacciò degli umani l’orrore..................drove out the horror from humans
cometa indicava una grotta................... the comet was pointing a cave
richiamo fu accolto da quanti................ the call was heeded by those who
correvano in cerca di scampo................were running in search of escape
trovarono attorno al neonato.................they found around the newborn
la quiete e il calore di bestie................... the stillness and warmth of the beasts
la stalla allargava accoglienza...............the stable inclusive the welcome
i doni dei magi a ristoro.......................... the gifts of the Magi a relief
dei volti straziati e adoranti.....................for tormented faces, and adoring,
nel bimbo l’attesa the child the awaited salvation